What is Kombucha?
Kombucha is fermented tea. A symbiotic culture of yeast and bacteria is added to sweet tea and left to ferment for between 7 to 30 days. The result is a balanced sweet/sour beverage with all the goodness of tea (polyphenols/antioxidants) as well as beneficial acids and bacteria from the fermentation.
How much should I drink?
As much as you like. If you are new to kombucha, try some and see how you get on. Your body will let you know if you’ve reached your limit!
When should I drink it?
Whenever you like, come rain or shine. It pairs well with food and is also a fine choice for beach days and bar nights.
Can I make my own?
Yes absolutely. We encourage you to give it a try. You will find endless recipes on-line.
Does it contain alcohol?
A bottle of Booch contains about as much alcohol as a loaf of bread. We batch test and are consistently less than 0.3% ABV.
All soft beverages can contain trace/residual amounts of alcohol up to 0.5% ABV and still be considered non-alcoholic.
A by-product of the initial phase of the fermentation process is alcohol production. This residual alcohol is mostly consumed during the final part of the fermentation process, whereby the bacteria present in the culture consume the alcohol and turn it into the beneficial acids for which kombucha is well-known.
How much sugar?
Only 3% residual sugar remains in the final product. The majority of added sugar is consumed by the yeast during fermentation. Without sugar there is no kombucha.
Is it pasteurised?
No. It’s raw and alive.
How should I store my kombucha?
Booch is best stored refrigerated.
If you don’t have room in your fridge, then at least find the coolest space in the house to keep your excess stash. We have found that Booch keeps well when stored out of sunlight and below 20C. There may be some excess carbonation build-up when storing for prolonged periods and especially if unrefrigerated. We recommend that Booch always be chilled before opening to prevent too much fizz.
The perfect serve…
Chilled, between 2 to 5C. No ice.
Champagne flutes and tumblers.
Straight or as a mixer.
What ingredients does it contain?
Tea, sugar, water and kombucha only!
How come it tastes so good?
Here at Booch we are on a mission to bring you world class kombucha!
What is a scoby?
S.C.O.B.Y - Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria & Yeast
The scoby (in its liquid form) is essential to brew a batch of kombucha. It can refer to both the pellicle that forms on the top of a live batch of kombucha and/or the liquid used to inoculate a batch of sweet tea. At Booch we don’t use pellicles so to us it refers to the liquid.
How long do you ferment a batch for?
Between 10 to 15 days. Every batch ferments uniquely and in order to bring you a consistent product we taste test daily.
What does Booch taste like?
Give it a try and let us know your thoughts... Booch is strangely familiar, yet refreshingly different. Our brews are unique and standalone offering a perfect balance of refined and sophisticated tastes.
Does it contain caffeine?
Yes, not much though. If you are sensitive to caffeine, best to not drink before bed.
Where can I buy BOOCH?
From our web shop. Currently shipping Pan India.
You can also click on ‘where to find’ for IRL stores, restaurants and bars that are stocking.