BOOCH Kombucha

GOLD - South African Rooibos

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Tasty tasty 😋

Very impressed
Finally someone made a non alcoholic drink that tastes real good and fits perfect when I’m having dinner with friends or partying in goa
This is easily the best kombucha that I have tasted in india and just glad to have a refreshing drink that’s perfect on these hot days and not full
Of sugar 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Sukhi S
Absolutely Delicious

This company clearly understands how to make a good kombucha!!
Its deliciously delicate & refreshing flavours are a far tastier and healthier alternative than most in the market. It is kombucha in its purest form, beautifully balanced without those sugery and vinegary overtones.
For me the fruity rich caramel hints of Gold have become a fave which consistently leaves me feeling revitalized throughout the day..

Booch has definitely mastered its art down to a tea! 😉